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Sept 2015 Our First Meeting

Community residents meet to explore the possibilies of Landmarking, downzoning and community based planning.  

October 2015 Our Second Meeting

We begin to discuss how to organize.  Representatives from the HIstoric Districts Council , Kelly Carrol and Barbara Zay discuss the basics of Landmarking.  

October 2015 We Join New Yorkers for a Human Scale City!

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Our letter influenced CB9's decision to vote NO to the Mayor's Zoning proposal as written. 

December 2016 Deborah Young Shares Great Information on how Crown Heights North Association got landmark status for her neighborhood.

Deborah Young, founder and Chair of Crown Heights North Association shares invaluable information how her group successfully landmakred huge swathes of their neighborhood. 

December 2016 to Celebrate Presentation.

We apply for Historic District Councils "Six to Celebrate" award.   This is also the heart and soul of our initial landmarking efforts.  Take a look!

January 14th 2016 CHSA speaks at Prospect Lefferts Garden Meeting, invited by Richard Walkes

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See "Our Board" under the About Menu!

Crown Heights South Association is awarded Historic District Council's: "Six to Celebrate" recognition which included a small grant.  We are THRILLED and honored! 

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April 29th 2016 "Landmark or Loose It" Town Hall

CHSA has it's first Town Hall at the St. Francis De Sales School for the Deaf Classically designed auditorium.  Our panelists:  Deborah Young, Chair of Crown Heights North Association, Simeon Bankoff, Executive Director of the Historic District Council, Gib Veconi of Prospect Heights Neighborhood Development Council, and Suzanne Spellen architecutural historian extraordinaire!!!

April 30th 2016 Crown Heights South Armory District Walking Tour by Suzanne Spellen!!!

Automobile Row, the Spice Factory, the Kameo Theatre, the Armory, Renassiance Revival, Dutch Revival, and much much more...our neighborhood is FILLED with architectural beauty and COOL history!!!  Suzanne Spellen, our own local architectural historian told it like it was (and is via our amazing buildings!).  Stay tuned for more walking tours...


Spring 2016 We Release "Benefits of Landmarking"

It's ALL good!!!

MAY 4th 2016 CHSA joins "New Yorkers for a Human Scale City" coalition on steps of City Hall protesting "Pay for Play" scandal

CHSA joins community groups from around the New York to protest Pay for Play schemes that are gobbling up our communities sponsored by the New Yorkers for a Human Scale City coalition. 

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July 2016 BBQ Time!

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Our History: Meetings, Presentations, Partnerships, Non-Profit Status, Photo Surveys, Town Halls, Walking Tours, Conferences.  We are on the MOVE!
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